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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Frittata frenzy

This dish is one of my go-to dinners if I'm tired or a little behind on meal planning! It's incredibly easy, and really, really versatile!

I've not always been a huge fan of eggs, so it might seem odd that I am posting a recipe for an eggy frittata! However, this recipe uses the egg to bind all the ingredients together rather than acting as the bulk of the meal (like it does in an omelette)... My eggophobia is slowly dying out and thanks to this delicious frittata, my egg horizons are expanding and I even dabble in a little scrambled egg now and again too!

The best thing about this recipe, is that doing a specific food shop for it isn't essential - this is the perfect meal for using up all those half empty bags and packets of veg. This particular frittata had mushroom, onion, courgette, broccoli, sweet potato, cherry tomatoes and asparagus in it!

So, you'll need:

Approx. 2 eggs per person (but this can be varied depending on how hungry you are and how much you like eggs!)
Loads of thinly sliced veg (really thin for potatoes in particular, or alternatively par boil them first)
Salt and pepper to taste
Roughly chopped basil leaves
Olive oil
2 tbsp red pesto (homemade or bought, but ideally as fresh and natural as possible to avoid adding loads of preservatives and nasties to your delicious meal!)

- PS - for the meat lovers out there, feel free to add pancetta bits, grilled chicken or anything else you might fancy in with the veg!

Start by preheating your oven to about 180 degrees celcius.

1) Simply prep all your veg (and meat if you're adding this in).
2) Then whisk your eggs with salt and pepper, olive oil, red pesto and a splash of water.
3) Fill your dish with all your tortilla fillings - I tend to work in layers to ensure I get a little bit of everything everywhere, but I'm sure chucking the whole lot in at once would work too!
4) Now pour in your egg mixture, which should just about cover the top layer of fillings and pop it in the oven to bake. For the cheese lovers, grate or slice your favourite cheese onto the top of the tortilla 10/15 mins before it's ready to come out (I added my favourite goat's cheese to mine)!

Now to briefly talk timings -  depending on how deep your oven dish is, this will vary. The amount and type of fillings will also affect the timings, so in my experience, its a slight guessing game. It should take about 40 mins to cook the whole way through, but check at 30 and make sure nothing is burning and cut into the middle to check that the egg isn't runny. If it is, then cover the frittata with a sheet of foil and pop it back in until the whole thing is cooked through.

Make sure you give this super tasty frittata a go when you next feel like you can't be bothered with a big supermarket run!

Oh and don't forget - spread a little happiness today! X

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